Autofocus HDMI camera onboom stand, with screen, multi-plug Advanced video inspection system, consisting of an extremely solid, accurate boom stand and a full HD autofocus camera (C-HAF).OPTIKA C-HAF is a real-time full HD auto-fo..
ADC:10 bitAspect Ratio:4:3Capture Features:Continous auto white balance, continous auto exposure, averaging, subsampling (decimation)Data Output (Uncompressed Video):3x8 bitFrame Rate at Full Resolution:12 frames/sec
Pro 3, 3.1Mpixels PC camera (only C-mount camera, lens adapter not included,
software included)..
ADC:10 bitAspect Ratio:4:3Capture Features:Continous auto white balance, continous auto exposure, averaging, subsampling (decimation)Data Output (Uncompressed Video):3x8 bitFrame Rate at Full Resolution:3 frames/sec
Pro 5, 5Mpixels PC camera (only C-mount camera, lens adapter not included,
software included)..
BRIGHTFIELD RESEARCH MICROSCOPELaboratory microscope for routine and research applications.Dye-cast frame, with high stability and ergonomy, for transmitted light observation...
FLUORESCENCE RESEARCH MICROSCOPELaboratory microscope for routine and research applications. Dye-cast
frame, with high stability and ergonomy, for transmitted and incident
light observation..
LED FLUORESCENCE RESEARCH MICROSCOPELaboratory microscope for routine and research applications. Dye-cast
frame, with high stability and ergonomy, for transmitted and incident
light observation. Version for LED epifluorescence analysis...
UPRIGHT ADVANCED METALLURGICAL MICROSCOPELaboratory microscope for routine and research applications.Dye-cast frame, with high stability and ergonomy, for transmitted and incident light observation.Version for material analysis (with brightfield and ..
Laboratory microscope for routine and research applications.Dye-cast frame, with high stability and ergonomy, for transmitted light observation. Version for phase contrast analysis...
Laboratory microscope for routine and research applications. Dye-cast
frame, with high stability and ergonomy, for transmitted light
observation.Version for transmitted polarization analysis...
Laboratory microscope for routine and research applications.Dye-cast frame, with high stability and ergonomy, for transmitted and incident light observation.Version for transmitted and inc..
Discussion microscopeTrinocular discussion microscope, 2 heads.Laboratory microscope for routine and research applications.Dye-cast frame, with high stability and ergonomy, for transmitted lightobservation...
Discussion microscopeTrinocular discussion microscope, 3 heads.Laboratory microscope for routine and research applications.Dye-cast frame, with high stability and ergonomy, for transmitted lightobservation...
Discussion microscopeTrinocular discussion microscope, 5 heads.Laboratory microscope for routine and research applications.Dye-cast frame, with high stability and ergonomy, for transmitted lightobservation...